This afternoon, my five year old daughter asked me to sit with her and draw robots.
I drew two robots: "Love bot #9" and "Color bot #7".
I think "Love bot #9" is my inner bot come to life.
Notice the confused smile?
Notice the weary/worried/wary eyes?
Notice the outstretched arms?
Yes, this is my inner bot-child, reaching out the world in love, only to be confused by the fact that the world is largely unimpressed by, unresponsive to, and so glaringly unneedful of my abounding love.
I'm not one to over analyze, but truly, "Love bot #9" captures how I so often feel in my deepest moments of discouragement.
On a brighter note, my daughter drew some lovely bots of her own.
Check them out!

As you can see, our styles heavily influenced one another.
She chose to name her bots, "Cry", "Care" and "Funky".
I rather like her "Funky Bot", she has such a delicious, bouffant turquoise doo!
I wonder what it would be like to have such a sassy turquoise flip for a doo?
Do I dare to find out?