waxed fabric collage on wood~j. N-LAt long last, I have finished the "River of Life".
This whole project took me a little longer than I had expected because I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do with the embellished muslin fabric piece. I toyed with the idea of attaching the fabric to a piece of gallery wrapped canvas. I even considered making a pillow or small art quilt.
In the end however, I decided to create a waxed fabric collage on wood. I am not entirely certain that this piece is completely finished; but wax is a wonderfully versatile medium, and I can easily add more embellishments, or color at a later date.
If you look below, you can see a portion of the collage up close and personal. It has such a beautiful depth and shine to the color...very rich and interesting!

Oddly enough, I'm not particularly taken with this piece. Don't get me wrong! It was a blast to create. After all, what's not to like about painting, embroidering, and playing with hot beeswax?
For some unidentified reason, this collage bugs me. It just doesn't "work".....
Right now, "The River of Life" is resting comfortably on a wrought iron stand in our living room. and for the time being, this is where it shall remain. Its future however, is questionable.
Poor, poor "River of Life"! I had such plans for you.
Oh well, not all art is good art, is it?